

Zhaoran Zhu, James P Ewen, Efstratios M Kritikos, Andrea Giusti, Daniele Dini

Effect of Electric Fields on the Decomposition of Phosphate Esters Journal Article

In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 128, no. 38, pp. 15959–15973, 2024.


Efstratios M Kritikos, Andrea Giusti

Investigation of Iron Nanoparticle Oxidation under External Electrostatic Fields Using Reactive Molecular Dynamics Journal Article

In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 128, no. 30, pp. 12364–12385, 2024.


Efstratios M Kritikos, William A Goddard III, Adri CT van Duin, Paul M Bellan

Atomistic insight into the plasma-catalyzed nucleation of ice grains Conference

American Physical Society, 2024.


Emin Saridede, Efstratios M Kritikos, Andrea Giusti

Investigation of the effect of electrostatic fields and iron nanoparticles on hydrogen-oxygen combustion Journal Article

In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 40, no. 1-4, pp. 105769, 2024.



Xiaocheng Mi, Leon C Thijs, Efstratios M Kritikos, Giel Ramaekers, Shyam Sundar Hemamalini, Swagnik Guhathakurta, Toos Gool, Aravind Ravi, Andrea Giusti, Cuenot Benedicte, Jeroen van Oijen, Philip Goey

Unique Problems in Iron-powder Combustion Tackled by Multiphysics Modeling Conference



Leon C Thijs, Efstratios M Kritikos, Andrea Giusti, Giel Ramaekers, Jeroen van Oijen, Philip Goey, XiaoCheng Mi

Theoretical Modeling of Iron-droplet Combustion Informed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations Conference



Christos Tantos, Efstratios M Kritikos, Stylianos Varoutis, Christian Day

Kinetic modeling of polyatomic heat and mass transfer in rectangular microchannels Journal Article

In: Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 167–184, 2023.


Efstratios M Kritikos, Andrea Giusti

Investigation of the effect of iron nanoparticles on n-dodecane combustion under external electrostatic fields Journal Article

In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 5667–5676, 2023.


Efstratios M Kritikos, Aditya Lele, Adri CT van Duin, Andrea Giusti

Atomistic insight into the effects of electrostatic fields on hydrocarbon reaction kinetics Journal Article

In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 158, no. 5, 2023.


Leon C Thijs, Efstratios M Kritikos, Andrea Giusti, Giel Ramaekers, Jeroen A Oijen, Philip Goey, XiaoCheng Mi

On the surface chemisorption of oxidizing fine iron particles: Insights gained from molecular dynamics simulations Journal Article

In: Combustion and Flame, vol. 254, pp. 112871, 2023.


Majd Sayed Ahmad, Efstratios M Kritikos, Andrea Giusti

A Reactive Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Nanoparticle Interactions in Hydrocarbon Combustion Journal Article

In: Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 195, no. 14, pp. 3281–3295, 2023.


Leon C Thijs, Efstratios M Kritikos, Andrea Giusti, Marie-Aline Van Ende, Adri CT van Duin, XiaoCheng Mi

Effect of Fe–O ReaxFF on liquid iron oxide properties derived from reactive molecular dynamics Journal Article

In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 127, no. 48, pp. 10339–10355, 2023.



Efstratios M Kritikos, Aditya Lele, Adri CT van Duin, Andrea Giusti

A reactive molecular dynamics study of the effects of an electric field on n-dodecane combustion Journal Article

In: Combustion and Flame, vol. 244, pp. 112238, 2022.



Efstratios M Kritikos, Andrea Giusti

Reactive molecular dynamics investigation of toluene oxidation under electrostatic fields: effect of the modeling of local charge distribution Journal Article

In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 124, no. 51, pp. 10705–10716, 2020.


Chrysaphenia P Koutsou, Efstratios M Kritikos, Anastasios J Karabelas, Margaritis Kostoglou

Analysis of temperature effects on the specific energy consumption in reverse osmosis desalination processes Journal Article

In: Desalination, vol. 476, pp. 114213, 2020.
